Phoenix Metro Experts Discuss Home Automation Ideas For Your House

Living a sustainable lifestyle requires determination and awareness. However, small changes can have a greater impact than we realize. We can increase sustainability in today’s world by becoming more aware of our energy consumption and waste production.

The use of smart home technology is one way that people can simplify the process of sustainable living and reduce waste. These devices incorporate technology to automate and replicate basic human tasks in a controllable way, such as managing lights and appliances, automatically controlling thermostats, and much more. Consumers often wonder which devices are worth the investment for their homes or which may best contribute to their sustainability goals. Thankfully, there are many options! Phoenix metro home automation experts discuss five smart ways to automate your home for a more sustainable lifestyle.

Phoenix Metro Home Automation Experts Discuss Smart Ways To Automate Your Home in Arizona

1. Smart Thermostats

One of the most widely and easily used smart devices, a smart thermostat can also be one of the most beneficial for your wallet and for the environment. Smart thermostats are used to manage the heating and cooling of your home in place of a standard thermostat, but they have the added convenience of offering more specific control features along with remote access, usually through an app on your phone. A smart thermostat means you can program the system to make adjustments to cooling or heating systems when you’re not home. You can also see how much energy your home has been using. This is especially beneficial if you have family members who forget to turn the temperature up or down when leaving the home, or if you want to set your home to a specific temperature at a specific time, such as cooling it down right before you get home from work.

2. Smart Lighting

An inexpensive and simple way that you can start increasing your sustainable lifestyle today is to make the change from standard incandescent light bulbs to more efficient LED bulbs. Not only do LED bulbs use less energy than incandescent bulbs, but they also last much longer and reduce your waste production over time.

A smart lighting system from a Phoenix metro home automation installation company takes your home one step further, allowing you to use your device to control the lighting in your home. No need to remember to turn off the lights when you leave a room! With a smart lighting system, you can turn off all of the lights in your home, conveniently set timers for any room of your home, and automatically turn off basement or bathroom lights when no one is using those areas of your home.

3. Smart Plugs

Popular and convenient, smart plugs are another simple addition to your home’s smart set up. Smart plugs work with a schedule or even voice commands to turn on/off anything that you plug into them. Imagine the convenience of being able to watch TV while falling asleep, having your morning coffee ready when you wake up, or automatically turning off your hair straightener – all without needing to worry about the risk of fire or wasting electricity. Simplify your life and keep your utility bills low by installing smart plugs in your home.

4. Water Leak Sensors

We all know that water is one of the most important natural resources we have. When you install a water leak sensor at your home, you’ll be able to better manage your use of water and reduce waste. Water leak sensors are placed near appliances or systems and send an alert when there’s excess moisture, dripping, or even low temperatures. Not only does this enable you to manage plumbing problems before they become severe, but you’ll also reduce the risk of mold growth in your home, all while knowing you are carefully managing this precious resource. Simplify water efficiency in your home with a water leak sensor.

5. Eco-Friendly Smart Appliances

These eco-friendly appliances are designed with smart capabilities so that they run more efficiently. Useful features include keeping an inventory of what’s in the fridge, door alerts, and connecting to your phone or other device. Smart appliances are more expensive than smart lights and smart plugs, but take your commitment to sustainability to a new level. The next time you need to purchase new smart home appliances for your home, such as a fridge or dishwater, consider choosing a professional automation company in the Phoenix metro area to install them. Our automation experts can help you integrate your new appliances with any other automation features such as on/off water automation pieces to make your home run more efficiently.

Contact Home Automation Experts In Phoenix

Are you ready to promote sustainability and convenience in your home, but aren’t sure where to start? The experts at Stabley Home Entertainment are ready to answer your questions and help you explore your options. We can help you decide what smart devices are the best for you and even offer installation! Contact Stabley Home Entertainment today!

Published On: October 15th, 2021