Smart homeowners are always keeping their eyes open for ways to save money at home. The typical solutions include remembering to turn off lights and faucets, keeping the overall house temperature cooler to save on heating, and unplugging items when not in use. While these are simple steps that can eventually add up to big savings, it is difficult to make them a habit multiple times every single day. But, what if there were other ways that didn’t involve remembering a task, and didn’t require sacrificing comfort? What if we told you that a home automation system from Stabley Home Entertainment can actually be an answer to the question? Think about it. While getting your new Scottsdale custom home audio installation done, you could be getting a home automation system installed as well! This is actually a realistic, effective way to majorly reduce energy bills while increasing comfort, control, and safety in your home. Stabley Home Entertainment Specialists offers more detail on this subject below.

How Home Automation Can Give You Big Savings

Climate Control

The biggest savings you can achieve from a Gilbert custom home entertainment installation and home automation system is climate control inside your home. Heating and cooling are two of the biggest contributing factors to your monthly bills, and unless you already own a Wi-fi model or programmable thermostat, it is highly likely that your heating and cooling system is not working as efficiently as it could be. This means it is sucking away precious energy and finances by keeping the temperature the same whether you are home or away, heats and cools rooms you rarely use, and fully depends on you to physically control the climate throughout the day.

Automated home systems can help! These systems boast zoning capabilities to only heat and cool rooms that are occupied and used, along with programmable temperature control so that when you leave the house you can simply click a button to change it to the desired setting. Additionally, automated systems reach the desired temperature much more quickly, which improves overall HVAC performance and improves efficiency.

Electricity Control

One of the highest praised benefits of an automated home system is the ability to control electricity throughout your home, including your Mesa custom home entertainment installation, even when you are not in the room. Remembering to turn off light switches, appliances, and the TV when you are finished can be a hassle and easily forgotten, especially for children or busy teens. Our entertainment specialists at Stabley are fully aware that traipsing across the house, upstairs, or downstairs to turn off the TV and Xbox on your Phoenix Metro custom home theatre installation is just simply not a top priority. For this reason, we can install strategically placed sensors and motion detectors that will do the work for you!

Light Control

Lights are one of the hardest areas to maintain energy efficiency in the home. No matter what, people of all ages from kids to adults, forget to turn lights off in a room when they leave, or leave bedside lamps on, or what have you. While some bulbs, such as LED lights, have a long life and can handle being left on for extended periods of time, you are still paying for the electricity to use them. Depending on the bulbs and wattage you have in your home, your electricity costs will fluctuate, but in the end, it comes down to the fact that you are probably paying significantly more for electricity than is necessary.

How does home automation help? Well, at Stabley Home Entertainment, our specialists can install timing-based lights, so that they turn on right when you need them, and off when you do not. Additionally, dimmers are a fantastic option to help reduce wattage and energy used while the lights are on.

Water Control

While there are many newer technologies that help homeowners save water, including smart shower heads and touchless faucets, our home automation systems at Stabley can help you cutback even more without creating extra work for yourself. Many homeowners may not realize that their outdoor watering systems are actually one of the biggest sources of waste. According to the EPA, about 1/3 of your home water consumption is actually outdoors, and approximately 50% of that is wasted.

At Stabley Home Entertainment Specialists, our experts can show you how our smart irrigation systems help save significant amounts of water and money from literally going down the drain. The newest models can even detect the weather and stop themselves from turning on so that you aren’t wasting water during a rainy day. This system is a huge time and stress-saver for homeowners!

Insurance Savings

How does a home automation system help homeowners pay less on their home insurance? While energy savings (and thus financial savings) are the ultimate goal of our home automation systems, they can actually drastically reduce your insurance bills.

Insurance companies are always on the lookout for ways to prevent claims and avoid paying losses, and they are aware that home automations systems can lessen claims due to fire and water damage, theft, security break-ins, flooding, carbon monoxide, and more. Automated systems can govern a wide variety of areas in the home, and as a result, make you eligible for up to 20% reduction in premiums due to the lowered likelihood of claims and damages. While Stabley Home Entertainment primarily specializes in Phoenix Metro custom home audio installation and entertainment systems, we also provide in-home automation systems and want to help you lower your insurance bills and save by having one installed in your home.

Get Started Today!

With automated technology in your home, not only are you looking at drastic financial savings, lowered stress, and convenience for the busy family, but the value of your home is significantly higher as well. You are the head of your home, and owning a high-quality home automation system gives you full control over the intelligence, safety, and comfort of your home, plus your energy bills. If you are interested in learning more about what a home automation system can do for you, visit Stabley Home Entertainment Specialists. We will break down the costs, savings, and all the bells and whistles, so you can make a fully informed decision. Visit us today to learn more!

Published On: June 5th, 2020