If you’re thinking about setting up a custom home theater in Phoenix, then you’re probably well aware that mistake and missteps can be costly. At the very least, making any of these common home theater mistakes can create a poor-quality theater experience. Take a look…

Mistake 1: Installing Speakers for Convenience

Obviously, you need to design your home theater in Phoenix around the room. However, this doesn’t mean that you should simply place speakers where they’re most convenient. You’ll have a better home theater experience if you place them slightly away from the wall (or embedded into the ceiling or wall, if you do this correctly). Also, be sure to place them in the front, sides and rear to create the true surround sound.

Point is, don’t just put the speakers where they’re easy to install. Even if it takes a little extra work, install your Phoenix home theater speakers in locations that create the best acoustic experience.

Mistake 2: Using the Wrong Wiring and Cables

You need to select the right speaker wire for your system in order to obtain the best sound for your Scottsdale home theater. However, you also need to choose a good quality HDMI cable for streaming content. Take note that “good quality” doesn’t necessarily mean expensive. There is a tipping point where certain cables and wires go up in price, but without a proportionate benefit in terms of quality sound and picture. You’ll need to research this to determine the best wires and cables for your needs – or better yet, ask our experts here at Stabley to install your system.

Mistake 3: Not Taking the Time to Research the Components

Yes, it does take a lot of time to do the research for a Phoenix home theater set up. You need to determine whether your media room is best suited for a TV or for a screen and projector combination. You also need to determine the best types of speakers, and then audition these speakers individually (in a special listening room, not the store’s sales floor) to figure out which ones produce the best quality sound.

Does that sound like a lot of work? It is. But the good news is that you can skip all this research and avoid all these mistakes simply by contacting our professional home theater systems installers here at Stabley Home Entertainment. We’ve been installing home theaters in Phoenix since 1994, so we know how to create the right system for your needs and budget.

Contact us today at https://www.stabley.net/free-consultation — you’ll be glad you did!


Published On: May 12th, 2014