In a previous blog post you learned about three of the common mistakes people make when setting up their Phoenix home theater. Now here are still more mistakes to avoid when creating your custom home theater in Scottsdale or Phoenix…

Phoenix Home Theater Mistake #1: Hiding the Speakers Behind Furniture

Creating a Phoenix home theater system that blends the speakers into the room is one thing; hiding them behind or within furniture is another. Don’t make the mistake of putting speakers someplace where your sound experience will be muted.

Phoenix Home Theater Mistake #2: Mounting the Speakers or TV Incorrectly

This is an extremely common mistake when setting up a Phoenix home theater system. If you don’t mount the speaker or TV correctly, they can easily come crashing to the floor—they may even take a chunk of your wall with them when they do. Not only is this an expensive mistake, but it’s a hazardous one as well.

Phoenix Home Theater Mistake #3: Choosing the Wrong Equipment

There are a lot of pieces and parts that go into creating custom home theaters in Phoenix, including speakers, receivers, the TV, wiring, cables and more. If any one of the parts you choose isn’t high quality, you diminish your entire Phoenix home theater system. That’s why we always suggest you talk to our home theater systems installers in Phoenix first, to make sure you’re buying the right equipment at the right price.

Phoenix Home Theater Mistake #4: Not Investing in a Good Surge Protector

Your home theater in Phoenix is a great investment. However, if you don’t install a good surge protector, your customer home theater in Phoenix can be wiped out the next time there’s lightning during the monsoons.

But don’t think the lightning here is so rare that you don’t need a surge protector. A problem with your local circuit or even a widespread electrical problem can cause a power surge that fries your Phoenix home theater system. Don’t take the chance—get a good surge protector to protect your investment.

Phoenix Home Theater Mistake #5: Not Asking for Help

Even though we’ve already shared with you seven common mistakes made during home theater installations in Phoenix, we’ve really only just scratched the surface. Setting up your custom home theater in Phoenix requires specialized skills, knowledge and experience—at least if you want to get it done right.

That’s where our home theater installers in Phoenix and Scottsdale come in. We have nearly two decades of experience in helping people just like you design and install the Phoenix home theater of your dreams. Plus, we even offer a free in-home consultation. So see for yourself what we can do for you by setting up your free consultation right here:


Published On: December 27th, 2013